
Aveyond lord of twilight steam top left corner
Aveyond lord of twilight steam top left corner

So I examined number one, which is near-or-above awesome, and noticed a few things I didn't notice at first:Īlthough only two of the Mane 6 are present, all six of them are represented by symbolic items nevertheless. #38: Interesting speculation on what the CMC's cutie marks might eventually be. #33: What we would have seen if Spike, not Apple Bloom, had been the sculptor.


I hope we get to see Philomena in the series again before long. #32: Wonderful portrait of Celestia and Philomena out for a morning flight together. #31: Wonderful portrait of Luna, really highlighting her role as the Ruler of the Night. #29: She's Derpy, and she can breathe in space. #28: Maybe the funniest fan art I've seen of Trixie yet. #26: And Briskby shows how charming a non-drunk Berry Punch can be, especially when paired with her little sister. #23: Very good, atmospheric drawing I'm curious as to what they could be reacting to, though. #21: Terrific homage to a terrific comic! So this means Spike is Snowy, right? (Not that it matters one whit what I think.) #17: And already one of the new background ponies has gained fanart and a name. #12: I love the old-fashioned feel of this label design this really does look like it could be used on product packaging. #11: I have to wonder if Sethisto missed the word on Rarity's shirt. #9: I love the angle in this drawing, and Scootaloo's expression this is probably the cutest hero-worshiping drawing I've seen of these two. #6: This is why we need more Spitfire art. #5: This almost looks like it could be a label for products from Sweet Apple Acres. ) Easily my favorite drawing of the night. I love the little filly near the bottom left with a book at her side, and also, Pinkie Pie seems ageless. Harwick's proven to have a great eye for color and detail. #1: Wow, great concept and wonderful execution. :( Can rocks have hearts? Well, they can now! Reply Delete Likely also based on the new episode today. #33 Based on a great classic piece of art. #28 Awww, com'on, Seth! This is hilarious and awesome right here! Love it. o.o Inb4 and inafter much rage was had this day? Haha. Guess people dubbed her "Allieway" though. Her hair is kinda like Vinyl's sure, but I don't particularly find her near as dynamic. #17 Of course this new background character it seems so many Bronies are fawning over. Definitely should have their art seen often. Why they don't have an art profile on a place like dA is beyond me. #1 Indeed a good little bit of detail in this. I saw many of these on Ponibooru earlier today. Pick your leader and your fighters for turn-based battles. Seek out special academies to learn skills like climbing so that you can explore new areas. Help Edward, one of your party members, find a wife or face the wrath of his mother. Give or steal from temples. Obtain a magical sword that can have its properties changed by the gem you put in its hilt. Run a farm in your spare time and collect creatures. Awesome music brought to you by an award-winning musician who has the entire Final Fantasy music library memorized. For the lazy: find the secret treasure caves and equip your heroes with mega weapons, gold, and level ups.Yay more pony arts! So many pieces based off the newest episodes of course. or else! Massive world filled with loads of monsters, loot, and civilizations. Travel with a large party of friends. Are you brave/crazy enough to stop this guy? Aveyond: Lord of Twilight is part 1 of the Orbs of Magic series.Key featuresHUMOR. Today, another maniac stands determined to succeed where the sorcerer failed and he needs YOU to fulfill his plan. He died before his goal was realized, but the prophecy lingered on. Journey across a massive world on a quest to thwart a power-crazed lunatic who wants to enslave humanity! Two hundred years ago, a sorcerer attempted to fulfill a dark prophecy that would see him rule the world.

Aveyond lord of twilight steam top left corner